yellow and red Cattleya Orchids
by Alfred Ng
Buy the Original Painting
28.000 x 20.000 inches
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yellow and red Cattleya Orchids
Alfred Ng
Painting - Watercolor On Paper
watercolor on 140lb arches rough paper, 2010
February 19th, 2010
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Comments (21)
Alfred Ng
Thank you Claire and Iris! this is one of my least viewed paintings but it sold. that's show there is just no need to do all those marketing. if someone was looking for it, they will find it.
Claire Bull
Alfred, this is SO lovely... exquisite detaill and I love the background too - have added to my favourites and will recommend - beautiful job painting such a difficult flower!
Alfred Ng
Thank you Sandra and Jeff, I need to find out more about that city, it was a very nice surprise.